
Customer & User Experience

Fulfilling the Brand Promise

In today’s hyper-connected world, where choices abound and attention spans are shortening, deeply satisfying customer experiences (CX) have never been more vital to the well-being of a brand. Brands fully committed to CX forge deep and lasting relationships with their customers by investing in comprehensive strategies that express empathy, accessibility, and authenticity across all the touchpoints that connect customers with brands.

Taking CX to the Next Level: An Integrated Measurement System That’s Customized and Comprehensive

Effective CX strategy is both highly intentional and intensively insights driven, but there’s no single CX metric that captures all the dimensions of customer experience. By leveraging technology and data analytics, companies can gauge how well their brand is living its promise and what more must be done to fulfill it.

CX must be conceived of as a measurement ecosystem – a comprehensive approach that integrates multiple data streams, diverse vantage points, and well-chosen metrics for a complete picture of your relationship with customers.

Assembling the Critical Elements of a CX Program

NAXION’s holistic approach to CX helps clients identify the right metrics at every level of measurement and develop an integrative analytic strategy that provides a strategic report card geared to all stakeholders, from the C-suite to business unit managers. The process begins by identifying relationship drivers – a foundational step that determines critical touchpoints and dimensions of experience based on your market context, competitive performance, and customer priorities. From there, it asks what analytic tools are needed to extract insights from the data and how to integrate these metrics for a whole-of-the-brand perspective based on selected program inputs:

Priority Touchpoint Measurement, a customer feedback program that assesses brand performance on critical drivers of the relationship at frequent intervals and provides a report card to guide remediation and relationship optimization

Transaction Measurement, an ongoing event-triggered feedback program that provides opportunities for timely intervention and a rich data stream to supplement Touchpoint Measurement on an ongoing basis

Operational Measurement, a program that captures relevant data already available within the organization to round out the overall picture, including customer attrition, resolution statistics, etc.

Employee Perspective Measurement, a performance-enhancing insights tool that taps employee impressions of enablement, empowerment, and efficacy along with organic ideas for improving on delivery against brand promise

Our Process for Achieving Your CX Goals

Whether we are building from scratch or simply refurbishing, there’s a checklist of relevant activities and techniques we bring to the process to ensure your CX program is optimized.

  • A systematic review of your brand ethos market challenges, your existing measurement system (metrics and analytics), and your brand performance history
  • For clients who have not licensed CX survey software, installation of a highly customizable platform to capture event-triggered data
  • For clients who already have a CX platform, the capability to further customize it for more powerful analytic options and outcomes
  • Development of an analytics plan that leverages qualitative and quantitative data streams to synthesize all the layers of input and create an integrated perspective
  • Dashboard optimization to ensure that reliable decision tools are available to interpret and act on customer feedback, empowering effective response throughout the organization