
Consumer Journey

A Complex Winding Road

Enhancing the odds of securing and then retaining customers in both the consumer and B2B spaces requires a deep understanding of the buyer journey at every critical decision point, from initial need recognition to brand evaluation and purchase. For B2B companies, where recurrent purchase is often critical, customer experience is a leg of the same journey.

Marketers need to see and meet customers wherever they are on the path to purchase – shuttling between online browsing, brick-and-mortar shopping, social media information gathering, and other decision nodes along the way. Digital tools can help us track consumers passively, but that sightline is full of blind spots, requiring a great deal more data and a broader set of vantage points.

A Complete Sightline Requires a Complete Toolkit

To thoroughly understand consumers at all these points, we need multiple ways of seeing and hearing from them. First-rate survey research and passive monitoring play important roles in flagging critical touchpoints and decision triggers. But outstanding qualitative research, sometimes with diary or longitudinal components, is indispensable. It brings us closer to individual customers for an interior view, exposing the way they consider and integrate journey feedback in making their purchase decisions.