
Innovation & Product Design

From Inspiration to Optimization

NAXION helps clients innovate successfully with a process that balances discipline and agility. Our approach is built on a series of critical steps designed to help teams think expansively, apply technology creatively, and advance winning ideas successfully. This framework can also be applied to the optimization of product portfolios, using advanced choice-based models that allow teams to estimate the impact of line extensions or product evolution on sales across the portfolio.

  • Creative concept ideation to identify promising prospects based on input from internal stakeholders, KOLs, and key market influencers
  • Fast throughput screening to vet and curate concepts, prioritize “must-have” features, and flag expendable or undesirable ones
  • Powerful choice modeling techniques and market simulators to identify winning feature combinations, project share, and gauge revenue potential
  • Portfolio optimization analysis to map line extension opportunities, measure cannibalization, calculate net portfolio potential of multiple offerings, and stake out discrete positionings

Predictive Models to Advance Design Thinking and Ensure Strategic Alignment

Successful innovation requires the ability to predict the impact of even subtle changes in product or service offerings on market interest, perceived price value, competitive advantage, and revenue. NAXION’s Farsight® predictive modeling suite offers a comprehensive set of product optimization tools that use market response simulations to project revenue, penetration, share, and profitability objectives for products or portfolios. In addition, desktop configuration optimizers provide teams with the flexibility to build or redesign products by specifying acceptable input and outcome parameters, including manufacturing costs, margin requirements, and alignment with strategic objectives – for instance, share vs. profitability requirements. From ideation to market optimization, we can help you advance the process in a way that’s both nimble and empowering.